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Welcome to MyZone

MyZone is a web-based service for students of Trinity College Dublin, provided in collaboration with Google, giving students access to their Trinity email account and other facilities such as a personal calendar and data storage (Drive). For an overview of the service please see the IT Services MyZone web page. Help is available via the link at the top of this page.


New Students - Set up your Account

New students - you must set up your Trinity computer account with  Microsoft 365 before being able to sign in to MyZone for the first time.   After you have activated your computer account at, you will receive a message in your Intray with your username and initial password. The message will include the steps on how to change your initial password and set up two-step sign in with Microsoft 365. Full step-by-step instructions are available on our web page for Obtaining your student computer account.  After you have set a password, return to here (, click 'Sign in' above and you will be able to access your email, personal calendar and Drive facility for storing your files. When signing in to MyZone you must enter your username in the form


TCD Student Homepage

For links to a range of useful Trinity websites please visit the Trinity Student Homepage. The Student Homepage contains links to student services, clubs and societies and to other important online resources for students of Trinity College Dublin.


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